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George is off to study in America!!

I had only ever thought of Berklee College of Music as a place where all of my heroes studied, somewhere that I'd never be able to go to, let alone be accepted onto their degree course. However after going on the Guitar Sessions summer school I knew that it was the place for me. The people I met, the contacts I made and the amount that I had learned in just one week was staggering to say the least. I knew that if I applied I would have to prepare and improve my technique, as the standard of entry is very high. After receiving my audition date I gave myself a strict practise schedule, working on my sight-reading, scales and arpeggios, Aural testing etc... This was very difficult for me because I have limited knowledge of reading music and understanding scales. Audition day came around quickly and as well as practising technique I had also worked very hard on perfecting my prepared piece 'Just Funky' by Tomo Fujita. The audition and interview took place in 'The Premises' Studios in London and I was incredibly nervous on the way to it. However, my nerves were instantly put at ease when I entered the audition room. The atmosphere was relaxed and I felt at ease when performing my piece and during the technical exercises. I left the audition feeling confident, although I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have a lot of self doubt!

About 2 weeks after my audition the email came through without warning to check on my admissions decision. I logged into the portal, and to my astonishment, I had been accepted to study at Berklee with a scholarship! This was an amazing feeling of relief and I am so thankful for all the people, especially the Pendle Young Musician's Bursary, who have given me the confidence made this possible for me to achieve. I am really excited, albeit a little bit nervous, to start there in September and I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds!

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The PYMB are very proud to be associated with the Manchester Camerata and thank them for giving our artists support, advice and opportunities to meet and play alongside members of the orchestra.

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